A tailored wellness journey.

Here’s how we work….

  • 1) Discovery call - Getting to Know You

  • 2) Tailored scope - Creating an Individualized Engagement Plan

  • 3) Implement - Experience, Educate, Practice

Discovery call

We have tea together. We learn all about eachother.

Our engagements begin with a 60-75 minute discovery call, which we record on Zoom. In this call, we’ll seek to deeply understand the reasons that you are coming to work with us. This will likely include the history of what is bringing you to see us, as well as the history of how you’ve addressed it. Our goal will be to determine whether or not we are the best fit for your needs. If so, we will design a tailored engagement pathway for you. If not, we will do our best to refer you where we believe you can be better helped. (We have amazing partners.)

2) Tailored scope

Based on our discovery call, and in consultation with our clinical team, we will develop an individually tailored outcome-focused engagement pathway for you. Our objective is to work as quickly as your nervous system can integrate. Depending on the complexity of your situation, we may draw from the expertise of various practitioners within our network, and various methodologies, as well as our partners.

Our scopes always include educational, practice, and one-on-one session components.

3) Implement

When you approve the scope, we will begin implementation. We work on a monthly subscription model to help you plan for and control costs. We’ll be frank with you about the duration of intervention we believe will be required. Our cost structure is very straightforward.

Our programs always integrate live sessions with our practitioners with education (self-paced) and practice. For education and practice we use the proprietary software we have spent the past five years developing with over 100 mentors and advisors.